Monday, April 21, 2014

Pin #103: Salt Lake City Olympics Mascots

This is a pin featuring the three mascots from the Salt Lake City Olympics in 2002.  They are, as they appear from left to right, Powder, Coal, and Copper.  Powder is a snowshoe hare, Coal, a black bear, and Copper, a coyote.  They are all animals indigenous to the Western U.S., and are named after resources which have been vital to Utah's economy.  Each mascot represents a Native American legend as well.  I just learned all of this by doing a Google search to try to find their names.  I had no idea they each had such elaborate back stories.  But back to the pin, the square shape is a little uninspiring, but the images are cool.  I don't remember who gave this to me, but I do have a few Salt Lake pins.  They're not as good as the Atlanta ones, but I still like them.

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