Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pin #163: California Condor - Grand Canyon

For those who don't know, the Grand Canyon is one of my favorite places on this planet.  I feel so at peace there.  I could just sit up there for hours and stare into the canyon.  I've been there close to a dozen times, and each time I try to buy a pin.  This pin is one of my favorites from the Grand Canyon.  It shows the Canyon with a California Condor soaring overhead.  The Grand Canyon is one of the few places where you might actually see a condor.  There are only a couple hundred in the wild, as efforts to grow the population after near extinction continue.  I've only seen a couple up there, but it really is impressive to watch them soar through the skies.  And that's why I bought this pin.  I wanted something with a condor on it because they are a cool part of the canyon.  Plus, the condor on this pin actually moves back and forth, and pins with moving parts are always extra cool.

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